About Me / Contact Cheryl Kissell

cgcruise.jpgYes I am a Network Marketer and a Happy One at that. I’ve been involved in MLM, Multi-Level, Network Marketing for over 20 years. I love this Industry because it got me my freedom. I define freedom as being able to do what I want when I want.

When I first got involved as a Distributor, I was told it was a Great Home Based Business…but quickly found out, I was NEVER home

So in the early 90’s on my Commodore 64 I got on the world wide web and what an eye-opener.

Now I work on an AMD Athlon, XP, with high speed cable and am pretty efficient getting around.

By the mid-90’s, I had developed 25,000+ online customers and over 74,000 Independent Representatives in my downline.

I want to share what I know with other Network Marketing MLM Distributors who want to stay home and work their businesses.

It’s possible and my blog is going to provide a lot of info on how I developed. I’ll talk about early mistakes and things you should avoid. Take my learning curve (aka experience) and apply it in your business and you too can be a Network Marketing Superstar! Yes, a REAL MLM Hitter!

So my blog is going to be covering things that impact Network Marketing Distributors as developing Business Owners and also cover Internet Marketing from an MLM perspective.  And now and then I’ll even rant…but it’s all for the Fun of it!

So let’s go have some Fun and Make Money while changing people’s lives for the Better.


Script by Dagon Design
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